Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why I'm a terrible photographer

So, as I just wrote to someone on Facebook, I have issues with taking pictures. Being an artistic person, I actually do like to take pictures-- but the catch is that there can't be any people around. So most of my pictures are of random objects in isolated places, or of myself with random objects in isolated places. It does get kind of old, especially since I think the most interesting pictures involve people. But whenever I decide to take a picture of anything anywhere where there are lots of people milling around, my inner monologue goes something like this:

"Okay, I'm going to slip my camera out of its case, and turn it on inside my bag so I can whip it out at a moment's notice. Okay, there's no one in the way so maybe I can take it now... Oh, wait! That guy is looking at me. I'm not a weird tourist taking pictures of this perfectly normal sign, mister, really I'm not. See, I'm just standing here spacing out like a perfectly normal person... Okay good, he looked away. Better get this done quickly. A quick look around again to make sure no one's watching, spot the target, and, bam! Okay, it's done. I hope no one saw that..."

Then of course when I go home to look at the picture more closely, it's all blurry or off-center because I didn't take the time to focus it. They say that with a digital camera, you're supposed to just snap a ton of pictures in succession so you have a better chance of getting some good ones... But I only take one (or maybe two if I'm really brave), and they usually turn out sucky.

Thus, most of my pictures from Thailand are... Well, sucky. And that's only because I forced myself to take a few. I have practically no pictures (that I took myself, anyway) from all this time I've been here in Japan. For some reason I just hate the idea of looking like a tourist or a "weird foreigner" (even though I really am a weird foreigner, even though being a weird foreigner is actually not a crime, and even though it really doesn't matter what random people think, anyway).

I think I need to fix this problem. Because it sucks not having pictures to share with people, and to look back at and remember things later.

Unfortunately, my camera (which I'd hardly used at all anyway) broke halfway through my trip in Thailand, and I'm not about to go out and buy a new one unless I'm sure I'm going to use it. I do have my cell phone though, which takes not-such-good-quality little pictures like this:

(This one is from Thailand, at some ancient temple ruins. It was windy. And there were no people within eye-shot when I took this.)

The great thing about a cell phone (for me anyway) is that it's not as obvious as a camera-- people can't always tell you're taking a picture with it. So maybe if I try taking lots of pictures with my cell phone, it'll help me get used to the idea?

I think I'm going to try it. We'll see how well I'll follow through with this, though.


  1. haha it is brilliant!
    arent human being such funny creatures) like if u have this little digital camera and taking pictures - everyone is like - "oh, she is a dumb tourist" and if u have this cool gadgety camera and a stand people are like "oh she is a professional, she is cool"...and how it is important for us what others think...sometimes i did not do certain things - like asking directions or getting off the wrong bus or stuff like that cz i wanted look local (well i still dont cz "a panther cant change her spots" lol)
    and didnt want to look stupid...but actually i dont care anymore...i force myself to do things when this thought comes to my mind - "oh people will think i am a foreigner" or "people will will think i am weird"....heck with that...i dont care anymore) it feels good)

  2. That's great. ^^ In general I've gotten a lot better about just being myself and not caring what people think, but with some things (like taking pictures) I still haven't gotten over my self-consciousness. One step at a time, I suppose.

  3. I hope practicing with the phone works, cause I love looking at the pictures!

  4. Thanks, random person! (But I think that's you, isn't it mom?) ^^;

  5. How did you know! You're so smart!

  6. I know the way you talk/write... lol.

  7. I wanna see more pictures from you! I can understand being a bit self conscious, but if you feel people are looking at you let it be their problem and not yours. :) Jess has stolen me and random friends as "models" to shoot pictures in random places like old streets and parks. We definitely got some stares but it wasn't so bad. Looking back, photos are great for the memories and I think it'd be wonderful to have pictures of the places you've been.

  8. Hi Jana!! I miss reading your blog, I kinda stopped reading blogs after Calvin but now I found yours again from facebook. :D:D

    Great posts, I have fun reading your adventures, you've been travelling quite a bit!

    (btw, this is Mary who used to live on the mosaic floor too :P)

  9. Ohh, hi Mary! I'm glad you found me again, and of course it's great to hear that someone enjoys reading my blog. =D How have you been, by the way?
